Björk Danielsen
Senior Sales Enablement Manager
Charlotta has a passion for storytelling and an entrepreneurial spark. She measures her success by how she keeps the spark alive and pass it on to others. As a Sales Enablement Lead at Slack, Charlotta empowers their EMEA sales team to connect with customers through compelling and relevant stories. Charlotta has over 5 years of experience in sales and sales enablement, with a focus on digital marketing and social selling.
16 May 2024 14:00 - 14:30
Ditch feature selling: 5 ways to craft customer stories that sell
In the world of B2B sales, the disease affecting revenue professionals everywhere is their addiction to feature dumping. Unknowingly, it's secretly costing them attention, connection and the opportunity to solve your prospect's million dollar problem. To reduce buyer uncertainty, collapse time in your sales cycle and stop losing deals to the status quo, your sellers need to learn how to craft customer stories that convert. When harnessed correctly inside of the buyer's journey, this will help your sellers de-risk a purchasing decision, accelerate trust and transform themselves into a trusted guide, without leading with a feature rich case study.