Sales Enablement Manager
Felicita's academic journey includes a Master's in Experimental Architecture from KU Leuven and a Bachelor's in Environmental Design, and Restoration from the Università degli Studi di Genova. Yet... her interests were not centred around the creation of space so much as organising space to impact behaviour. What has always been her goal is to create a welcoming environment. There is an art to building trust with others, which in Felicita's opinion, is the essence of Sales, a career she pursued since 2008 in many different forms; be that cultural, music, or circus events, B2C or B2B, face-to-face or online, retail, SaaS or E-learning. Today, Felicita's role has transformed into enabling others to become great sales representatives. Enablement is defined as: “the action of giving someone the authority or means to do something” and thus creating their very own welcoming environment.
17 May 2024 09:15 - 09:45
Increasing your enablement capabilities through enhanced process creation
Sales enablement professionals go beyond facilitating sales teams – they actively contribute to crafting resources and training while the sales process evolves, therefore entering the feedback loop. Balancing this simultaneous process creation and process enablement is crucial for staying adaptable to market changes. This presentation explores strategies on how enablement professionals can effectively contribute to the sales process creation without losing focus on their primary enablement responsibilities. Join me Felicita to understand the importance of navigating this fine balance for sustained sales success in a competitive landscape.