VP of Sales
Tim Mann is the VP of Sales at Blueboard. His journey has taken him from the Marine Corps, to working at Rikers Island and Skid Row, to Silicon Valley, to his high school alma mater, and now to San Diego. While Tim's path has not been conventional, it has been filled with passion for serving the greater good and finding opportunities where others only saw obstacles. Tim has a proven track record of being scrappy to be successful in business development, strategy, and leadership in both for-profit and non-profit organizations. As a competitive runner and someone who is always trying to improve in sport, work, leadership, and life in general, Tim has also recently completed his MS in Sport and Performance Psychology.
13 February 2024 11:15 - 12:15
Workshop: When good isn’t good enough: How enablement can empower sellers in 2024
Last year was a tough one for sales and reps will continue to face strong headwinds in 2024 as they navigate economic uncertainty, major technology shifts, hybrid sales culture, and continued change. In the face of so many challenges, sales enablement and operations leaders have a critical role to play in empowering sellers to keep upskilling, focus on the right behaviors and activities, and go above and beyond to hit revenue goals. Join your peers for an interactive session with Blueboard’s VP of Sales, Tim Mann, where we’ll explore how to keep reps working hard - and on the right things - this year and beyond. You’ll get to: - Hear from your peers on key enablement challenges, learnings, and opportunities - Learn how to keep sellers laser focused on the right things and performing consistently - See real-world examples that demonstrate how companies are empowering reps with strategic incentives